Table 1

Classification Of Cargo Transshipment Operations – Price In Euros For 1 Ton
ship-wagon/car or vice versa
car-car or vice versa
I. Bulk cargo Front warehouse Open rear warehouse Closed  rear warehouse
Thor 3,75 4,75 1,95
Cereals and fodder:
– corn; wheat; barley; soy 3,45 4,45 1,95
– sunflower; oats; rapeseed; meal 3,75 4,75 2,15
III. Metals
Metals in coils 4,50 3,30 4,30 5,50 2,75
Metals in bundles 4,80 3,85 4,85 5,80 2,90
Metals in sheets 6,25 5,15 6,15 7,25 3,85
Metal pipes (bundles or units) 6,25 5,15 6,15 7,25 3,85
Rolled sections (bundles) 5,15 4,20 5,20 6,15 3,30
Steel bars (bundles) 5,15 4,20 5,20 6,15 3,30
Steel profiles (bundles) 5,15 4,20 5,20 6,15 3,30
Steel blanks – Billets (bundles) 4,75 3,85 4,85 5,75 3,00
Armature 4,85 3,90 4,90 5,85 3,00
Waltzdrat 5,70 4,70 5,70 6,70 3,50
Pipes for pipeline network 9,00 8,15 9,15 10,00 7,40
IV. Loads in a big bags
Packaged goods in big bags 6,50 5,80 6,80 7,50 3,60
Packaging of bulk cargo in big begs 7,70 8,80 9,90
V. Bulk liquid cargoes
Transshipment of bulk liquid non-hazardous cargoes at a port quay, including the involvement of workers for attaching and detaching of hoses and a lifting crane 5,50
Transshipment of bulk liquid non-dangerous cargoes at a port quay – at transshipment installations of the cargo shipper 4,00
Transshipment of bulk liquid dangerous goods according to IMO classification 10,00
Transshipment of bulk liquid dangerous goods according to the IMO classification – by transshipment installations of the cargo shipper 6,00


Тable 4

Storage Time in Port Warehouse Covered Warehouse Outdoor Warehouse
I. Cargo storage:
Import cargo – over 10 days inclusive, for the entire time of storage 0,25 0,15
Export cargo – over 15 days inclusive, for the entire time of storage 0,25 0,15
II. Use of specialized warehouse areas:
Base prices according to Art. 15; for 1 m²; for a month 3,00 1,80
Prices for the use of warehouse space for 1 m² per month for the export of cereals (if there is free warehouse space) on negotiation


Table 8

Prices for the Service of Non-Self-Propelled Uncrew
Vessels by Replacement Crew
Unit Measure Price in Euro
Service of ship place for non-self-propelled vessels without hatch covers (covers) On the basis of the started day 30,00
Service of ship place for non-self-propelled vessels with hatch covers (covers) and transporting dangerous cargoes, respectively (without a Gas Free certificate) On the basis of the started day 60,00
Service of non-self-propelled vessels with hatch covers (covers) and tanker barges for liquided bulk cargoes during port handling/opening and closing of covers, operating with cranes of cargo pipeline, flanging of cargo hoses, mooring and unmooring to and from ship place For one vessel 200,00
Service of non-self-propelled vessels without hatch covers (covers) during port handling/mooring and unmooring to and from ship place/ For one vessel 100,00
Loading of vessels with counted  cargoes and preparation by replacement crew of cargoplane For one vessel 100,00
Prices For Maneuver Vessel Unit Measure Price In Euro
For the maneuver of placing/removing a vessel on/from the ship place in Port Bulmarket – Ruse from km 486/km 481 For one vessel 300,00
For the maneuver of placing/removing a vessel on/from the ship place in the water area of Ruse Port For one vessel 500,00
Internal maneuvers in the port For one vessel 150,00
For maneuvering of self-propelled; maritime; dredges; pontoons and other floating equipment with a peculiar or non-propelling hull shape For one vessel 550,00
For maneuvering of vessels outside the water area of the port of Ruse and/or if exit control is necessary – for the time (from the moment of completion of exit control to the moment of completion of entry control in the port of Ruse)/for one vessel For one vessel 1500,00

Project Dionysus


Integration of intelligent and sustainable multimodal and intermodal transport chains in the Danube region